The Lakhani Group

Open The Door of

Global Mobility


Turning Your Visions into Reality

At TLG Global, we offer tailored investment opportunities that align with Europe’s renowned Golden Visa program, providing a pathway to European residency. The Portuguese Golden Visa is one of the most attractive residency-by-investment programs in Europe, offering investors and their families the chance to obtain residency by making qualifying investments. With Portugal’s vibrant economy, stunning landscapes, and high quality of life, it has become a top choice for global investors seeking both financial growth and residency flexibility.

In addition to Portugal, we also facilitate access to the Latvian Residency by Investment program, another strategic gateway to Europe. Latvia’s program offers residency with more affordable investment options, allowing investors to enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen Area and access to the European market.

At TLG Global, we are dedicated to guiding you through the entire process, ensuring your investment unlocks a secure and prosperous future for you and your family.

Why to choose us

Key Offerings:

Latvia Residency by Investment

Secure European residency with a minimum investment of 100,000€ in a local Latvian company, ideal for investors looking to enter the EU market.

Portugal Golden Visa - 7X Portugal Fund

Invest 500,000€ in our 7X Portugal Fund to obtain a Portuguese Golden Visa, with a focus on high-potential Companies operating Hospitality Projects.



"From the very beginning, The Lakhani Group has provided outstanding support and guidance. Their expertise has helped us achieve remarkable results, and their team is always there when we need them. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable and effective business partner."
Michael B
Operations Manager, Elite Enterprises
"The Lakhani Group has been instrumental in helping us navigate complex challenges and seize new opportunities. Their strategic insights and hands-on approach have played a key role in our company’s growth. We are grateful for their support and look forward to continuing our partnership."
Emily R.
Managing Director, Green Solutions

Due Diligence Documents

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Land Registry Title

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Urban Tax Registry

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Construction License

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Golden Visa Eligibility

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Urban Rehabilitation Area

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Commercial Registry

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Get Excited to move



Initial Consultation

Contact TLG Global via our website, phone, or email to schedule a consultation. We’ll discuss your investment goals and preferred residency program options.


Tailored Investment Options

We’ll then offer tailored investment options matching your chosen residency program, including potential real estate or other qualifying investments in Portugal or Latvia.


Legal & Financial Guidance

Once you choose an investment, we’ll link you with experts in residency-by-investment programs. These specialists will assist with paperwork, compliance, and legal requirements.


Submit Your Application

With all the paperwork in order, we will assist you in submitting your immigration application to the relevant authorities, ensuring every detail is accurately completed and on time.


Ongoing Support & Approval

After submission, TLG Global will provide continuous updates on your application status. Upon approval, we will support you in obtaining your residency and settling in your new country.

“Your journey to European Residency starts here!”

We’re here to

all your questions

The Portuguese Golden Visa allows investors and their families to obtain European residency through qualifying investments, such as real estate. Key benefits include visa-free travel within the Schengen Area, the option to live and work in Portugal, and eligibility for permanent residency or citizenship after five years, without requiring full-time residency.

Latvia offers several qualifying investment options, including real estate purchases, investments in Latvian companies, or financial contributions to state funds. Each option has varying minimum investment thresholds, making it a flexible choice for investors seeking European residency.

No, both Portugal and Latvia offer flexible residency requirements. In Portugal, you only need to spend an average of 7 days per year, while Latvia requires a short stay of around 30 days over 5 years. This allows investors to maintain their residency status without needing to relocate or live full-time in the country, providing the freedom to manage global business or personal commitments while benefiting from European residency.

Yes, both Portugal and Latvia allow family reunification. Spouses, dependent children, and in some cases, dependent parents, can be included in your application, granting them the same residency rights.